All the articles I've posted.
Predefined color schemes
Updated: at 오전 09:09Some of the well-crafted, predefined color schemes for AstroPaper blog theme.
How to add an estimated reading time in AstroPaper
Updated: at 오후 02:53How you can add an 'Estimated Reading time' in your blog posts of AstroPaper.
공부할 만한 CS QnA
Published: at 오전 01:07인터뷰 대비 CS 공부도 틈틈히 하자...
Adding new posts in AstroPaper theme
Updated: at 오전 09:12Some rules & recommendations for creating or adding new posts using AstroPaper theme.
Aqua를 이용해 Ubuntu에 neovim을 설치하자
Published: at 오후 05:01neovim binary 새 버전이 release 되면 제때 업데이트 해주는 aqua를 이용하자